I knew I had been neglecting my business, but I didn't realize that it had been four months since I had posted anything. I haven't been idle, I just haven't been online much as of late. The holidays are always busy and my mother-in-law gave us a cruise for our anniversary. Then after the holidays, I got sick and I am still not 100%. I have left my Etsy shop shuttered since the second half of November. I need to get busy, but I have been so exhausted between some personal family issues and being the mom taxi and not feeling well that I needed to take a break.
I have done some crocheting, but in the last week or two, I have even taken a break from that. I have made too many scarves, tested out new stitches, made some boot socks, boot cuffs, fingerless gloves--I have made myself at least three matching sets (one even including a hat and I don't wear hats!) and several more random infinity scarves. I had wanted to put some up on my Etsy shop, but probably by the time I get around to it, it will be spring and no one will need scarves!
In the fall, I took some family pictures for some friends and in the winter, some baby pictures for a friend of a friend. I'll post some samples of my pictures and my crochet projects soon.
My mom was busy embroidering and sewing Christmas gifts for the kids, so I have lots of items to show off that she made for them.
Just checking in. I'm still alive, just maybe not kicking...yet.
Robin's Nest Photography; RobinsNestAndBeyond Etsy shop, specializing in crochet items; Robin's Nest Enterprises, featuring embroidery by my mom; and books/creative writing by Robin Lynn Davidson